This morning our Assistant Camp Director Andrew made a comment at breakfast, “It’s always sunny at Chop Point.” And it is, in the metaphorical sense of the term. The rain has been going strong for almost a week now, but we have found some awesome ways to pass the time.
A few days ago the Allagash Canoe Trip set off for five days on the Allagash Wilderness Waterway. I’m not gonna lie, I felt pretty bad for them, but then I remembered what my friend said about this trip a few years back:
“There was a hole in our tent. It wouldn’t stop raining. Our canoe flipped. There were bugs everywhere… it was the best five days of my life.” A trip is what you make of it, clearly.
The staff has had to switch around some evening activities because of the rain, but so far it has worked out well.
We had Cabin Theme Night, where the cabins were transformed into some pretty creative themes. Just a few examples are a meditation center, a time machine, the iPod game Temple Run, and a bizarre market place.
The next night was Sports Night, where four teams compete for the coveted Chop Point Trophy. It’s made out of tin foil, but is no less prestigious than a gold medal in the Olympics. We played games like Ultimate Frisbee and Knock-Out. The rain let up long enough for us to have some pretty intense rounds of Ultimate on the soccer field.
Two days ago was Sunday, so we started off the day with a late breakfast, giving everyone a chance to sleep in a little. We then had chapel, where one of my counselors, Autumn, gave her testimony. After an early lunch, we loaded up the bus and vans and set off for Boothbay Harbor, a beautiful town on the coast of Maine with a ton of little shops. We were all amazed to see that the sun was out. I think nearly everyone in the camp got ice cream that day. The rain didn’t come back until it was almost time for bed.
Today the rain is still going strong, and the entire camp is in the gym playing volleyball and basketball. The evening activity is still up in the air, but will no doubt be as fun as all the others.
Even with the rain, it is clear by all the smiles and laughter that First Session 2013 will definitely be a session to remember.
Be checking our Picasa albums for new photos. More updates coming soon.
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