Chop Point received accreditation from the American Camping Association and opened as a camp in 1967. Before the founding of Chop Point, the property had been operated as Merrymeeting Camp for over fifty years. In 1987, we opened Chop Point School, to offer a quality education in a caring Christian environment.
Although Chop Point was organized by a group of Christian men and women, campers and students come from a wide variety of religious and non-religious backgrounds. The Christian faith, as expressed in the Apostles Creed, is presented in an open, interdenominational setting. Chop Point desires to be compassionate and encouraging rather than judgmental. Chop Point’s philosophical foundation is based on Jesus Christ, the most attractive and wonderful person in the world. Saint Paul stated, “In Him are found all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.” True Christianity is not ten thousand burdensome rules, but is rather an enjoyable friendship with Jesus Christ.
In camp, small group discussions are held in the cabins after breakfast, where a chapter or passage of one of the Gospels is discussed. The atmosphere is relaxed and campers are encouraged to state their views and opinions and ask questions. On Sundays, campers attend a chapel service with singing and a short time of sharing by a staff member.
The staff hopes to instill in campers a compassion for the less fortunate in the world. One Saturday a session we have what is fondly called a “workday”. Small groups of campers are sent out to do various service projects in the local community. Those who stay in camp take part in other small projects, before an afternoon of open waterfront or a special-all-camp activity.
Who Should NOT Come to Chop Point…
Chop Point’s purpose is not to work with campers who exhibit anti-social, physically violent behavior. At the discretion of the administrators, and in consultation with the staff, Chop Point fully reserves the right to dismiss campers with no refund of fees paid. Grounds for dismissal include:
* being disrespectful to staff,
* illegal use of drugs or alcohol,
* and sexual immorality.
Because smoking kills at least 350,000 Americans each year and secondary smoke kills another 50,000, smoking is not permitted at Chop Point. Campers who have the need to smoke should not enroll.