First Session is in full swing here at Chop Point. All of the campers have arrived and we have had some spectacular bonding nights so far. The past two days have been guy’s night out, girl’s night in and girl’s night out, guy’s night in respectively. On the first night the girls all gathered in the dining hall and made 85 cookies while telling embarrassing stories and ended the night with a dance party. The guys decided to spread out across camp for an all-out game of capture the flag. For their nights out, a few cabins went to get ice cream in the city of Bath while others made hobo dinners by the fire pit and followed it up by some s’mores. For those of you reading this that have never had the pleasure of having a hobo dinner it is when you wrap up hamburger meat, potatoes, carrots, and onion in tinfoil and set it in the coals of the fire to cook. It is always fun and one of my favorite camp meals.

Activities are also getting to full swing. We have had some rainy days, which are to be expected in Maine in June, but also some really nice days. Yesterday was beautiful and all of the activities got to go out. The sailors and windsurfers were doing amazing. During sessions we try to teach as many people as possible to sail on their own, instead of having a counselor sail with them. In the afternoon I saw at least three new sailors docking their boats for the first time and that is no easy feat. Variety was able to use the low ropes course yesterday and they all had an amazing time! Variety is an activity in which a group of about 20 campers does a different thing every day. Activities have ranged from extreme dodgeball to kite flying in the past.

The fourth is quickly approaching and with it the heat. The forecast this weekend reaches into the mid-80s. We are excited for the foreign campers to get to experience American pride at its finest. More updates to come!
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