The Weather Channel app on my iPhone is going to have to buy me flowers or something if it wants me to talk to it again. It was calling for a good chance of rain all of yesterday and today. Both days it turned out to be sunny with just a few clouds. Grr. Despite this, we had a camp wide campfire for our evening activity last night. We played a lot of fun and slightly crazy campfire games. We also devoured a decent amount of smores’. Because, you know, we’re in America and everything.
We had a donation car wash today for Campo Alegria in Nicaragua and raised over $1100 dollars!!! That puts us well over 2 grand for the summer. Very thankful God has blessed us here at the point and in Nica.
We have a Luau going on right now. If you want to check out some of the picture you can go here…
You can also good pictures of Quebec, first session, and other events throughout the summer.
Going to Camden Cliffs tomorrow and then finishing the night with Talent Night. Fun stuff.
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