What a hectic weekend it has been! Saturday was a work day. During work days, the whole camp does various chores and runs carwashes to raise money for Campo Alegria in Nicaragua. While most campers were off washing cars, a few stayed behind at camp to help serve Chop Point’s 50th reunion party. The party was a huge success! Crowds of former campers and staff attended and spent the day hugging, laughing, and reminiscing. To conclude the celebration, everyone gathered into the dining hall and sang classic silly songs such as “The Prune Song” and “An Austrian.” People also gave small speeches about their past camp experiences.

The Prune Song
When the campers returned from their hard day of work, it was revealed that the evening activity was water night. With hopes of not getting wet, the campers met in the grassy area by the dining hall. The first game was a water balloon toss. There were many shouts of frustration whenever a balloon exploded, and many screams of triumph whenever the balloon was caught successfully. After many other games, the campers were soaked and ready for the grand finale: the water slide! A huge tarp was spread over a hill and lathered in soap and water. First, the poor counselors slid down while campers pelted them with water balloons. Then the campers were free to slide down as many times as they wanted. Despite the windy weather, water night was a big hit.

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